There are a lot of great resources on the interwebs for OGL game masters to use and make their jobs running games much easier.
- 5e Mechanics for Cailore Fantasy: Every DM does some things differently, these are rules I use when DMing 5e.
- Lore Masters’ Guild: Access to what’s behind the screen in Cailore Fantasy.
- Gnome Stew: The Gaming Blog. In a multiverse of flakey GM publishing drivel on the interwebs, Gnome Stew offers something that is very professional, with extra chucks of Gnome.
- Mad Irishman Character Sheets: These are some of the very best character sheets to be found on the interwebs.
- Encounter Level Calculator: Need to know how much of a threat that OGL encounter
is? This calculator will give you some good estimations of how tough an encounter is.
- Cartographers’ Guild: A forum specializing in map making for fantasy and fiction. Game Masters can find a treasure trove of beautiful maps here to help them on the way.
- DriveThru RPG: A great place to download inexpensive .pdfs of old-school role playing games and supplements.
- Cailore Rules Document: Get the free, online system rules used by Cailore Fantasy.
- Fantasy Shields: You can use this online tool to create good-looking coats of arms for your campaign.
- Donjon: Random generators for role playing games, since at least 2009.
- Pathfinder Settlement Creator: Uses OGL rules to generate a nice stat-block for your settlement.
- Fantasy Grounds Developer Notes: Run your game with friends on the interwebs.
- Using Fantasy Grounds with Syrinescape: Because nothing should be easy.
- Monster Advancer: Creature your own monsters based on OGL templates, give superpowers to that Moose, make an infernal-vampire badger!
- The D&D Wiki: Information from the SRD plus tons of 3rd party rules and material.
- Joe Sweeney’s Kick-Ass Mapping Tutorials: Seriously, this guy is the Bob Ross of Campaign Cartographer.
- Fantasy Name Generator: Stuck on a name? Emily has compiled an excellent series of name generators to help you get your name on.
- Dynamic Magic Item Creation: Pathfinder has a fun and interesting way to spice up magic item creation for OGL games.
- Fantastic Maps: Great maps and tutorials on making your own maps by Jonathan Roberts.
- Cool Artistic Character Sheets.
- NaturalCrit & Home Brewery: A great tool for formatting your homebrew to look legit as a 20 HD kobold and as a bonus,Jérôme Poslednik has provided a D&D Achievement Badge maker to immortalize your players’ achievements.
- Export Your Fantasy Grounds .XML to a PDF Character Sheet: For as much as I love Fantasy Grounds, their decision to go without a character sheet export still pisses me off.
- Do the Math for Me to Resize my Map File for VTT: OK, I hate when people say math is hard, but sometimes everyone needs a fast and easy way to help out. This does that.
- CCA Master Mapping Tile Library by StoryWeaver Games presents a trove of material tiles you can use on your own game maps. While you are there, check around the site, Joe Sweeney and friends produce some great RPG stuff.
Do you have a link or tool that you would like to share with us? Use the contact form below to let us know about other great Role Playing Game resources.
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